Sunday, August 11, 2019

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Annotated Bibliography Example Thus the specificity also of God is an historical specificity. The focus on dynamic event rather than static substance continues in his systematic theology.† Lindbeck George is an American Lutheran theologian and a BA graduate from Yale University. In his pursuit of medieval knowledge, Lindbeck picked an interest in matters related to the church, and thereafter, he became one of the fathers of postliberal theology. He has since then been among the most influential figures in the religion and theology scenes. In this book, Lindbeck focuses on the nature of the doctrine of theology in a postliberal age. By exploring a couple of theories in ecumenism, Mariology, and Christology, the author engages the Readers in a theological conversation. â€Å"The demand for competence is the empirical equivalent of insisting on the spirit as one of the texts of doctrine†. The author, Howard Marshall is a professor Emeritus of the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. Marshall is known for his broad understanding of the New Testament as he was the chair of the fellowship if European evangelical theologians and the president of the British New Testament society. As seen in most of his works, Marshall begins by introducing the New Testament theology, comparing the content of the various books. The author clearly explores Paul’s letters, the gospels and the rest of the epistles. Marshall’s theology represents the messages of the various books in the New Testament, speaking to a broad audience of readers. â€Å"It appears that this gospel attributed to Mathew was assembled by someone who was both a scribe and a sage of sorts. Like the author of the fourth gospel, he wants to present the story of Jesus in a sapiential way, but unlike the fourth evangelist, he wants to do it by means of a very conventionally Jewish way of presenting the materia l.† Mark Smith, the author of this journal is an Associate Professor of Political Science and

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